Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Bawk bawk bawk bawk....

Public Notice: If you love me, you will buy these for me.

Lots of people were talking yesterday and today about the possibility of more protests and upheaval today because of continuing developments with the Freddie Gray case.  The corporate communications at my company sent a blast e-mail to all Maryland associates, so now people who don't even work at the Baltimore office are in a tizzy.  It's so silly.

Jennifer 3:56 PM:
sooo... we are scared to come downtown tomorrow
Veronica 3:57 PM:
Jennifer 3:57 PM:
Veronica 3:57 PM:
....bawk bawk bawk bawk
Jennifer 3:57 PM:
But seriously... do you think it would be better if everyone came to Owings Mills?
My boss wanted me to check with you before we came down
Veronica 3:58 PM:
bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk
Jennifer 3:58 PM:
My boss knows you control everyone's calendars.
I mean, I will run people over in traffic, if necessary :)
 Veronica 3:59 PM:
I am checking with my main dude
Jennifer 3:59 PM:
Ok thanks
Veronica 4:04 PM:
Okay, I'm back.  He also called you poultry.

To be fair, he didn't literally call her poultry... I was summerizing.  That's my job, after all.  I believe his actual words were, "What? I don't have time for this in my life..." which made me very happy...  The complete brush-off. I love my guys. 

Speaking of work conversations, there are a couple I have been saving for you.

There is a new subscriber to my blog who, bless him, e-mails me almost every day if I don't blog.  Some days he is more violent in his notes to me than others, from a gentle "Good morning, Ms. NonBlogger" to this:

Neil 1:52 PM:
So is it safe to say you've quit blogging?

No "Good morning" or anything.

It's funny when people try to force a blog entry upon me. It usually doesn't end well (for them.)

Neil 4:00 PM:
I'm interested to hear your thoughts on the Republican debacle last week.
Veronica 4:01 PM:
This is exactly how I feel about it:  

Neil 4:03 PM:
I'm crying!
 Veronica 4:03 PM:

And let us not forget The Temp, who is like my kid brother, hates that I call him "The Temp," and who thinks that I am Mallory from the show "Archer."  

He's not wrong.  See previous posts. 

Veronica [9:37 AM]:
Hello The Temp.
The Temp [9:37 AM]:
Hello Veronica
 Veronica [9:37 AM]:
I just had to throw a Mallory face at someone, and it made me think of you.
That is all.
Temp [9:39 AM]:
had to throw a Mallory at someone?
You are always Mallory
Meaning you are always throwing Mallorys at people
In every conversation
that you ever have
Veronica [9:40 AM]:
Hearing you say that brings peace to the spot where a human heart should be.

And finally, let's talk about how to deal with stress, okay?  This can apply to anything in your life.

Gym Rat 8:37 AM:
Btw, working on the governance report right now- got some slides yesterday so hope to have Prism updated today
Veronica 8:37 AM:
G.R. 8:37 AM:
Do you have a date that you want it by so you can get it to print on time?
 Veronica 8:39 AM:
Not yet
I'm not a goal oriented person like you!
G.R. 8:39 AM:
I wanted to stay home today so badly
Veronica 8:40 AM:
Because you were scared?
Of coming to work
because there's work there
and then you'd have to do it
G.R. 8:40 AM:
basically lol
Veronica 8:40 AM:
I go through that every day
G.R. 8:40 AM:
What do you do to motivate yourself?
Veronica 8:41 AM:
I'm amazing at breaking things down into bite-sized pieces, which is basically the opposite of being goal oriented.
Goal oriented - everything you are doing, you are working TOWARDS something... there is an achievable goal.
There is a thing that becomes complete. Boxes are checked.  You go to bed at night counting things you've accomplished.
I do not do that.
I break things down into one million tiny successes.
I'll be like omg I do not want to go to work today.
If i have to go to work, I have to do things.
I wont even eat lunch today, I know it.
People are going to talk to me,
and expect things of me.
Well, whatever; that's their problem.  For right now, I am going to work on looking amazing.
And then I am going to shut down the house.  Okay that's good.  My house is amazing.  Are the cats ok?  Oh yeah there they are.  They are good.  MAMA IS GOING TO GO MAKE MONEY SO THAT YOU ARE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE LIVING HERE
They don't care.
Well whatever. Ok here I go.  I'm in my car.
My car is cute.  I love my car
Dude, I am such an adult.
There are people without a car.
They take the bus.
I am too pretty for public transportation.

Well let's see what the road is doing.
Veronica 8:45 AM:
And see... just like that... you are not even thinking about work any more
G.R. 8:45 AM:
I need to subscribe to your thought train

I feel as though this is blog worthy
I hope you're copy pasting this

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