Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Rocketbook, Millennials, Thriftiness, Stranger Things


I want to tell you about something that I bought for myself for work.

It's called The Rocketbook and it's awesome.  It's a reusable notebook, you write all you want in it, then use the app to send it to wherever you want, and then you microwave it and you have a fresh book.

It's available on Amazon (click here.) I'm going to keep testing it out and I'll let you know how it goes.

I write a lot at work, like, with an actual pen and paper.  A lot of people I work with just use their iPad or whatever device to take notes, but I don't have those things.  Anyway, it's a cool toy and I thought I would share.


We had a silly webinar at work the other day... something about "working with different generations."  I was interested in taking the course because I am oftentimes stuck right in the middle of trying to bridge generation gaps at work.  Meaning, I am often trying to explain to Baby Boomers why Millennials won't put their cell phones down for 5 minutes, and I'm often trying to explain to Millennials why Baby Boomers do silly things like expect you to be at work at 9 AM, and work on Fridays.

I understand many parts of the spectrum (because I'm a Libra) but I sometimes have trouble communicating the differences to the different parties in order to keep the peace or helping to smooth situations out.

In case you are curious, here is a layout of the current generations in the workforce, and their viewpoints.

The webinar was not helpful at all for what I was looking for, but oh well.

I fall early into the Millennial category/late Generation X category, but however you call it, all I know is that I literally just stabbed myself with scissors less than 10 minutes ago, so I still need adult supervision. At least I know how to bandage myself up.

You're gonna start grouping everyone you know into these groups; I know you are.  

Judging you

Think of the best and worst traits of them all.  The more you think about it, the truer it gets. Also, who you were raised by or around plays a part in what stands in front of you when you look in the mirror.

My father was a Traditionalist, and, (as all of my siblings will attest) because he was a child of the Great Depression, he would do things like cut paper towels in half, wash and reuse saran wrap, and come up with his own cleaning solutions.


Girlfriend, I buy my cleaning products, and I waste food like crazy. (Of course, this is relative to what Traditionalists would think is wasteful.)  

However, it is true that I have a ton of plastic Ziploc bags hanging out to dry in my dish rack right this very minute to be reused, and I am hyper aware of waste and non-recyclable items.  Yeah, even if I am being wasteful, I am very aware of it. I live in a much different America than he did.  When he was my age, it was 1953-54.   Different, yet the same in many ways.

Stranger Things

Everyone I know is watching the Netflix series "Stranger Things," and I refused because I don't do horror or scary or aliens or anything like that (I do HALLMARK MOVIES, for goshsakes.)   

But, I caved in, and watched it.

I don't get what I'm supposed to do now.  Do we talk about it?  Do we talk about plot holes?  Do we just get together and play Dungeons & Dragons?  I really don't know - someone tell me.

Okay, well let me know, so I can plan what to bring.

Also, I have checked in with "Quantum Leap" on Netflix.  
Al is WAY more of a lush than I remember him being. 

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