Things which are TVW (the very worst):
- Home ownership. It's one project after another. There is never a day when you sit down on your sofa, ready for a Netflix marathon because there is nothing else to be done. That day will never happen.
- Seriously, the painting never stops.
- Realizing 7 years into it that you don't want cats anymore. I can't clean anymore cat pee. I just can't.
- I guess the same could be said about a crappy relationship, if you are in one. About the not wanting it... not about the peeing...
- Realizing that you left your lunch where ever it is not supposed to be.
- When you're friend gets a new mate and now every time you hang out, you hang out with both of them. But at the same time you know you're supposed to be happy for them, so...
"Yeah, it's totally fine if he joins us... again..."
- Walking in heels for longer than you anticipated when you were deciding on an outfit that morning.
- When your friend apparently has been pawning her wine on you all night and then the next day you realize there are three empty wine bottles from last night.
- When your computer freezes.
- Crocs and people who like Crocs.
- Car problems.
- Unread e-mails piling up faster than you can read them.
- Losing your spoon:
- Gushy Facebook posts.
- Vague and drama-filled Facebook posts.
- Flip flops.
- Ants.
- People (especially colleagues) who do not respect the sanctity of silence.
- People who spit.
- Commercials for prescriptions.
- Leaving the flat iron on, thinking and worrying about it all day at work, to come home and discover that you did turn it off.
- This kind of person:
- Leaving your sunglasses behind.
- Forgetting stuff in the rental car after you've returned it.
- Over thinking things people say to you (i.e. about 4 years ago, a colleague said to me, "Veronica, your posture when you walk is so straight. I wish I could walk as straight as you." I am still trying to figure this out, years later. I hate the way I walk. Was she just being a smart alec??)
- Heartburn.
- Allergies.
- People with allergies.
- Being the third or fifth wheel.
- When people judge you for drinking before noon (looking at you, MOTHER.)
Miglin, Veronica:
Noooooooooo my teabag came open in the wattterrrrrr :'(:'(:'(:'( why is life so haarrrrrd
Liz :
oh no. that's the worst
- forgetting to wear jewelry or your watch (a.k.a. being naked.)
From: Katelyn Sullivan
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 8:57 AM
To: Miglin, Veronica
Subject: RE: I'M NAKED!!!!!
Kate Sullivan
Things which are TVB (the very best):
- When Starbucks knows you and cares for you as a person as indicated by hearts drawn by your name.
- Wine, fruit, and Brie
- This sandwich
- My church
- Waffle House
- Bette Midler
And Taylor Swift, of course.
- Superglue